Molecules app good for
Il y a 20 ans, une Silicon Graphics haute de gamme nen faisait pas tant !!!, Cest hallucinant
Jaimerai une représentation Cartoon ou ruban, voire la possibilité de charger des presets fait avec PyMol ou VMD
20 years ago, the top level Silicon graphics was not even able to do as well !!!
I would enjoy a cartoon or ribbon representation as well as the possibility to get some prestes form PyMol or VMD. Congratulations
Of course its an app for those who are interested in science.
Gorgeous to view your PDB files on the iPad and great for bragging (immunologists dont have an app for FACS images yet :-p ). A cartoon option would be a good feature. Since you cant manipulate the molecule this app is, of course, completely useless , but I wouldnt want to miss it since I can display my affection to certain molecular structures.
For anyone interested in structures this is very nice - just a shame that the most informative presentation of a molecular structure (cartoon, showing alpha helices, beta sheets etc) is missing. Well, maybe in the next version. But it is already gorgeous ;-)
First Its a very good app.
There are a lots of good things so I wont tell about.
But there are a few bad things:
Lets go
First it should be available in German ( German names for different Molecules in search)
Maybe more information about the Molecules
Add them and it will be Evan better app!
A really nice program. However, it would be nicer if one could write notes (e.g. Molecular formula, or the use/application of the chemical) or edit the already available infos.
No star-deduction since this is a free program ;-)
Some bad moments
Cette application est tres interessante mais il est dommage de ne pas pouvoir importer des fichiers PDB de son ordinateur...
(This application is interesting but this is pity that it is not possible to import PDB file from a computer...)
Since the update, the program is extremely slow. It is almost impossible to work with. Unfortunately, a cartoon representation is missing, which is in my opinion the best To represent proteins
The idea of this app is very good and useful for every chemist, but the look and the handling are too old... Please bring an update, it would be a pity if this idea got forgotten.
Its an okay program, but would be FAR better if you could build/submit your own structures
Needs things like H2o. And the ability to makecyor own. And the search needs to be better
Crashes every time I try to search for a molecule. Disappointing.